Secure your Phoneword before your competition does!

Enjoy increased
brand recognition with 1300 Phonewords.
A Phoneword from 1300 Easy Dial is the best way to make your business contact phone number easier to remember, improve your brand awareness and drive sales.
Phonewords are clever 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers that spell out a word on the numeric keypad on your handset.
Establish Brand Awareness
Combine your brand with your phone number to make it unforgettable for customers.
Generate Leads & Bookings
A business with a distinctive phone number is viewed as more reliable and better equipped to meet customer needs.
Capture your Mobile Users
Make your contact number attractive to click on to engage your mobile users to call you today.
How to get a Phoneword with us?
Choose your Phoneword
Select the right Phoneword for your business from our extensive and affordable range before your competitors do!

Secure your Phoneword
Use your Phoneword
Sit back and enjoy the extra calls you get from having a more memorable Phoneword.

Customers are 14 times more likely to call you with a Phoneword!
Take your brand to the next level with a matching Phoneword. 1300 Easy Dial offers exclusive phone numbers to boost your brand. Learn how business owners like you are earning extra revenue with phonewords and 1300 numbers.
Phonewords are the best image and branding inbound number solution you could ever want for your business. They are phone numbers where the actual numbers correspond to a letter that you can then use make a word. Phonewords that start with 13 are limited to 4 letters, whereas the 1300 and 1800 variations have 6 letters respectively. Both combinations allow for extra letters (numbers) on the end of the number for branding purposes.
Phonewords are easy for customers to recall which can lead to more repeat sales and a higher capture rate for the not informed segment of the market. Everyone knows 1300 DOMINOS and 1300 FLOWERS – they instantly give you a brand and a product all without saying anything other than the phone number.
Beyond the branding benefit, you can really dig deep into the analytics behind your inbound callers. What mediums they are using, their phone numbers, how long calls are lasting and even get some benefit from your new Phoneword by enabling call recording to create a feedback loop for your business sales processes.
There have been a few studies (uncited here) which have tested the recall ability of particular online brands with customer segments. A remarkable 55% higher rate of memory was discovered where both the brand website and Phoneword were featured across the marketing.
Imagine how much this brand reinforcement would mean for your bottom line. You could really unlock the potential of all your existing marketing just by switching in a brand Phoneword as your primary contact method for your customers and for sales enquiries.
Choose a Number to add to your Phoneword

1300 Numbers
1300 Numbers are the absolute favourite for Australian business, with our experience showing a 90/10 split between them and 1800’s. They are an inbound only number, truly portable and have a range of excellent free features.
Our client ‘Focus Fitness’ took the Phoneword 1300 FOCUS FIT. With this shift in their marketing strategy they received an extra $31,200 worth of sales in just 2 months.

1800 Numbers
The 1800 numbers on offer from 1300 EasyDial are some of the best kept secrets on the market. Often overlooked, we have a massive range of perfect matches for a range of brands and products.
All 1800 numbers come with our full reporting suite to give you insights into how your customers and staff are utilising the services, providing insight for future business decisions.
Answers to your most commonly asked questions
Any business that plans to take a serious approach to marketing and brand recognition should seriously consider getting a perfect match Phoneword for their business. “Need” maybe an overstatement, but if it’s available and you do plan on growing a business that spends into the 4 figures for marketing each year, then the results for making use of a Phoneword speak for themselves.
Phonewords are used once they are obtained and setup for your business. 1300 Easy Dial can assist you with this process. Once setup, you can advertise the Phoneword as the contact number for your business making it easy for customers to recall and increasing repeat contact. Brands using Phonewords also improve their credibility and as a result attract new customers with ease.
1300 numbers and 1800 numbers are very similar. The differences arise in terms of what the customers think and associate the different numbers with. 1300 numbers are widely accepted as business contact numbers and have a negligible call cost. 1800 numbers are often considered as community related. However, in terms of Phonewords the 1800 numbers have a bigger range and wider availability of competitive words.
You can grab your mobile and on the dialpad you will see corresponding letters to some of the numbers. Alternatively, you can use our handy search tool – which will allow you to input your desired words and see the corresponding numbers and their pricing and monthly availability. Once you have chosen your Phoneword, we can help you purchase and get started with a few simple clicks.